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Release Notes - Dec '18
Release Notes - Dec '18

Learn about new features and improvements from Dec 3rd Jeto release.

David Desrosiers avatar
Written by David Desrosiers
Updated over 6 years ago

Your Jeto has improved! Here are the new features and improvements available to you today.

Release Summary 

  • Help Desk: chat with support and learn about Jeto with the new Messenger.

  • Campaign Launch: activate, deactivate or schedule any campaign without stepping foot in Marketo.

  • Program Clone: get URLs of all landing pages populated in program tokens (and use it to automatically update CTA Links after clone).

  • Launcher Form - Layout Elements: add titles, text and dividers to your Launcher forms.

  • Launcher Form - Input Masks: control the input on campaign form fields.

  • Launcher Form - Pre-fill: automatically populate current user data in campaign form fields.

  • Campaign Status: keep track of your campaign progress.

  • New Campaign - Restrict Notifications: we've restricted new campaign alerts to Admins with access to specific Launchers.

  • Manage Users: resend invitations or reactivate a Deleted user.

  • + Some more optimization and bug fixes.

Release Notes

Help Desk

It’s now easier than ever to learn about Jeto and reach out for help. Select the bottom right Messenger icon to start a new conversation or look for documentation. The widget offers live chat (between Monday and Friday 9am - 5pm EST), email support or you can visit knowledge base articles related to topics of interest all via the Messenger.    

Live Chat

Open the Messenger to start a live chat and get immediate answers to your questions. Our Support Team is connected Monday through Friday 9am - 5pm EST. If we can’t help you right away, you can return to the conversation later or continue the conversation via email. 

Email Support

If we’re offline, you can still send us a chat, with your email address, and continue the conversation via email. 

Knowledge Base

Our new knowledge base is a central repository for all Jeto Documentation. We'll be adding new content on a continuous basis. You can access it at or directly from the top menu.

Campaign Launch

We added new capabilities to the “Campaign Launch” configuration of your Launchers.  While you could already set a Marketo Batch Campaign to be automatically scheduled, or a Marketo Trigger Campaign to be activated,  we have added more options so that you can activate, deactivate or schedule any campaign at any time without stepping foot in Marketo.

Program Clone - Landing Page URLs

For newly created programs, Jeto will fetch all landing pages URLs and return it as tokens under the program’s “LANDING PAGE NAME-URL” Token. You can then use these tokens to refer email links and calls to action to the right landing page without the need for any manual update. 

Use this in conjunction with the Campaign Launch to schedule and activate all your smart campaigns and fully automate your campaign launch!   

* This function required that that Landing Page Name only contains Alphanumeric Characters (No special Characters).

Launcher Form - Layout Elements

Improve your form Layouts and provide users with a better campaign creation experience with Titles, Rich Text Paragraphs and Dividers. 

Campaign Form - Pre-fill

This new field property allows you to assign pre-fill default value to any Text or Date field. You can pre-fill a field with the data from the logged in user’s profile or system date: 

  • User First Name

  • User Last Name 

  • User Email 

  • User Phone

  • Date Now

Once enabled, you can also choose to let the user overwrite it, or block updates.  

Launcher Form - Input Masks

Input masks can be used on Number, Text or Date fields to constrain the input on campaign form fields and ensure data quality and uniformity. Input Mask Type options include Email, Phone, US Zip, AU Zip and Custom. 

Campaign Status

Campaign Status was added to help keep track of your campaign progress with Campaign Status. 

Pending: Your Campaign is still pending Marketo confirmation for clone & update processing.

Your Campaign has been successfully processed by Marketo and submitted to your Administrator.

Error: Something went wrong and we could not create your campaign in Marketo. When this happens, you should wait for Jeto support team to identify and resolve the issue.  A ticket is automatically opened with the Jeto Support Team.


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