While creating or editing a campaign, you can select the Preview icon to visualize emails and landing pages associated with your campaigns.
Select from all the assets or use the navigation arrows (< >) to view next/previous asset. Simulate what Desktop, Tablet and Mobile layout will look like by choosing the corresponding icon.
Click Send Sample to deliver a sample of your campaign emails to anyone's inbox.
Assets previews are a simulation of the final assets and may not be an exact match of the final email sent by Marketo.
In order to be able to preview an asset in Jeto, the asset must be approved in Marketo.
Email Preview is only compatible with Email 2.0. Any 1.0 Emails will not be visible in the preview.
Marketo assets must use absolute URL paths for references to images, CSS, JavaScript, etc. Relative URL's will make it impossible for Jeto to Preview elements with relative URL paths.