This article from Marketo Product Documentation shows how to use URLs and My Tokens together to enable email link activity tracking
When using this method, the URL must be built in Marketo with 2 separate elements: 1) A static prefix to your URL (http:// or https://)
2) The link itself (www....) sourced from My Token:
Considering that one cannot predict if users will include the http(s) portion of the URL or not, and to make it easier for users, Jeto has the option to strip the http(s):// portion of the URL. Here is how you to set this up:
Strip "http(s)://" out of Plain Text fields
To strip out the http(s):// portion of a URL from a Jeto plain text field, edit the Launcher and select the URL input field. Under Advanced properties, turn on the Strip http(s):// option.
Strip "http(s)://" out of auto-generated Landing Page URLs
Jeto also automatically generates system tokens that include the URL of all landing pages in your template program. To strip out the http(s):// portion of these URLs, go to the Launcher Settings area, and under Marketo Settings turn on the option Strip "http://" from Landing Page URL.