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Authentication & Single Sign On (SSO)
Authentication & Single Sign On (SSO)

User Authentication and Single Sign On (SSO)

David Desrosiers avatar
Written by David Desrosiers
Updated over a week ago

Jeto Authentication prevents unauthorized access to your organization or its data by making sure each logged-in user is who they say they are. We use Auth0, an Enterprise Identity Platform to manage access to your Jeto application.

We offer 4 types of Authentication:

  • Jeto User Login (Oauth 2.0)

  • Single sign-on (SSO)

  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

  • Application Connections (API keys)

Jeto User Login (OAuth 2.0)

Jeto users have direct access to the Jeto App navigating to Users must authenticate by providing a confidential Email and Password.

Here is an overview of the Jeto User Login authentication flow.

Jeto User Login conforms with OIDC specifications.

Single Sign-On (SSO)

Jeto can be configured to use Single Sign On (SS0) so that Users can Authenticate via their own Identity Provider (IdP). Our Authorization Server is managed via the Auth0 Identity Platform, which gives us the ability to support multiple Enterprise level Identity Providers (see Auth0 website for supported providers).

Here is an overview of the single sign-on (SSO) authentication flow.

This feature can be activated on demand. Additional costs may apply.

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA or 2FA)

In addition to using Jeto User Login or SSO, Multi-factor Authentication works by requiring a One-time Password during the login process to prevent unauthorized access. To use one time passwords (OTPs) as an authentication factor, users need an Authenticator app such as Authy, Google Authenticator, Auth0 Guardian or Microsoft Authenticator.
Upon signup, the user can scan a code and set up the app, upon which it will begin generating one-time codes. Afterward, when logging in to the app, the user can simply check the authenticator app for the current one-time code.

Auth0 Guardian OTP Code Google example

Your user enters the code at the prompt. This feature can be activated on demand. Additional costs may apply.

Application Connections (API keys)

An Application Connection is a framework that allows one of your cloud applications to communicate with Jeto via API using the OAuth protocol.

Here is an overview of the Application Connections (API keys) flow.

To enable Application Connections please register for our Jeto API Integrations (Beta) program. Once you are registered, you will receive your Client ID and Secret Key. You can then use these credentials to connect access the Jeto API.


User Management (Create, Update, Delete Jeto Users): While your Identity Provider (IdP) can be used to grant or cut off access to Jeto, the management of Jeto users (Creating, Updating, Deleting Users) is still manage in the Jeto interface. Therefore before a user can connect to jeto via SSO the user must first be created in Jeto via the Admin Interface)

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