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Archive Campaign(s)

Clean up your Campaign Dashboard and avoid triggering undesired results

David Desrosiers avatar
Written by David Desrosiers
Updated over 8 months ago

The Archive function (introduced with Jeto's June 2024 Release) is a powerful tool to save time, resources and prevent any frustration when managing campaigns in Jeto!

Helpful tip

Only Jeto admins and campaign owners can archive campaigns. Campaign owners are restricted to only archiving their owned campaigns. Admins can archive all campaigns available in Jeto that are not in the Pending status.

Archiving Campaigns

Individual Archive

To archive a single campaign, select the snowman menu and click on Archive campaign as shown in the screenshot below:

Bulk Archive

Jeto adds a powerful functionality to archive campaigns in bulk. To use this feature, use the checkboxes to make your selection and then select the 'Archive' action. Click on Proceed on the Confirmation Toast and voila, all selected campaigns are now archived!

Helpful Tip

Here's a list that helps to know what campaign statuses would allow the archive function:

Can be archived: Draft, Submitted, In Approval, Approved

Cannot be archived: Pending

Can be archived with conditions (all future scheduled campaigns will be cancelled on Archive): Submitted w/ Campaign Launch enabled

Interacting with Archived Campaigns

Admins and campaign owners will be able to access their archived campaigns by toggling the 'Show Archive' checkbox within the new 'Organize' menu in Jeto. Doing so will filter all the archived campaigns available to be viewed by the user.

Users will have limited access to their archived campaigns. They can either:

1- View (in read only mode): all campaign fields are greyed out
2- Delete the campaign
3- Unarchive (admins and campaign owners only)

Unarchive a campaign

Similar to the archive action, admins can unarchive campaigns individually or in bulk. Simply follow the same steps as in Archiving a campaign and click on 'Unarchive' to retrieve your campaign.

Individual unarchive action

Bulk unarchive action

Helpful tip

Jeto admins can unarchive all campaigns. Campaign owners are only able to unarchive their owned campaigns.

Accessing an archived campaign

Archived campaigns can only be accessed in Read-only mode. Users are prohibited from making any updates to archived campaigns. They also cannot add comments.

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