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Standard Fields, Input Masks, Restrictions and Validations
Standard Fields, Input Masks, Restrictions and Validations

Constrain user input with Regex Input Masks

David Desrosiers avatar
Written by David Desrosiers
Updated over a week ago


Standard input fields, Input masks, restrictions and validation can be used on form fields to constrain the user input on campaign form fields and ensure data uniformity and quality. In this article you will learn about:

  • Standard Fields

  • Single/Multi Select

  • Required vs Optional 

  • Block Updates

  • Hidden Fields

  • Max Characters

  • Input Masks

  • Date Restrictions

Standard Fields

These fields come with prebuilt validation rules:

  • Email: validates input vs x@x.xx format and blocks any invalid characters.

  • US Phone Number: validates entry is a 10 digits US phone number.

  • Zip (US): forces 5 digits entry.

  • Number: only numbers are allowed

  • Date: validates entry is in the "YYYY-MM-DD" format.

  • Time: Validate entry is in "HH:MM" (24 hours) format.

Single Select / Multi Select

You can further standardize data input by offering preset values to pick from. This leaves no room for error.

Required vs. Optional

You can chose to make any field required or optional. By default, all fields will be marked as required, but you can turn this off in each field's property. Required fields will show an asterisk (*) to indicate it must be filled

Block Updates

Want users to be able to view campaign data, but block if from being updated? You can do just that by toggling the "Block Updates" option on any field.

Hide Fields

Want users to be able to input campaign data, but keep it confidential/hidden afterwards? You can do this by toggling the "Hidden" option on any field.

Max Characters

For Single Line Text, Number, Email and Text Area fields, you can set a field to allow only a certain number of characters. If the user types characters above the limit, an error message will display and the campaign form won't submit.

Input Masks

From the field properties panel select a Regex Input Mask Type.

The following options are available on Single Line Text and Email fields:

  • Does not contain: Prevents user from using certain values.

  • Email: Specify email domain. Ex:

The following options are available on Single Line Text fields only:

  • Phone ((123) 456-7890): 10 digit phone number

  • US Zip (12345): 5 Digit US zip code

  • CA Zip (A1B 2C3): 6 Alphanumeric Digit Canadian postal code

  • AU Zip (1234): 4 Alphanumeric Digit Australian post code.

  • Custom: Use your own Regex Input Mask. Use [0-9] for any digit between 0 - 9, [A-Z] for any capital letter between A - Z, [a-z] for any lower case letter between a - z, [A-z] for any letter between a - z, upper or lower case. Use any letter, digit or character string (comma separated) to add it to the input field. Ex: 1,+,(,[0-9],[0-9],[0-9],),[0-9],[0-9],[0-9],-,[0-9],[0-9],[0-9],[0-9] = 1+(###)###-####

  • Optional (Custom) : Adding "?" at the end of a custom input mask will also make this character optional. Ex:  [0-9],[0-9],[0-9],?[0-9] will will force an input of 3 or 4 digits. 

Date Restrictions and Validation

To enable restrictions on a date field, select any date field and under the Advanced field settings, go to Restriction and select the type of restriction to apply.

From there you can enforce date input as follows:

  • In future: Date entered must be later than today (at time of form fill-out)

  • In Past: Date entered must be before today (at time of form fill-out)

  • Before (Date): Date entered must be before specified date

  • After (Date): Date entered must be after specified date

  • Between (Min Date, Max Date): Date entered must be between min and max date

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