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05 - Editing an email layout
Jason Olliver avatar
Written by Jason Olliver
Updated over a week ago

Note: this feature may not be available on the launcher/email you are working on. If you wish to have this feature, please contact your Jeto administrator.

Editing an email layout

While building your campaign in Jeto, you can remove unwanted sections of your email(s). To do so, navigate to the preview on your asset(s) (see Previews and email samples).

In the preview panel, under the Send Sample button, toggle the Edit Layout button. You will see outlines appear in the email preview. Next to each section, you will either see a lock icon (meaning this section cannot be removed) or a trash can section (meaning this section can be removed). Click on the trash can icon next to the section(s) you wish to remove.

You will see those sections collapse and appear as a red line. If you toggle the Edit Layout switch back to the off position, you will see what the final layout of your email will look like.

Note: You can choose to add a deleted section back to your email only if you have not submitted your campaign. To add a section back, click on the arrows in the red section to add to expand it, then click on the + sign to add it back.

If you hover over the Edit Layout toggle and see the message "There are no editable modules for this email", your administrator has opted not to allow sections of the email to be deleted.

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