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Jeto - Admin User Guide

How to use Jeto, as an Admin

Jason Olliver avatar
Written by Jason Olliver
Updated over a week ago

New to Jeto?

Your Jeto Customer Success Manager will create your Jeto instance and add you as an Administrator. Once you receive your invitation, click the “Join Jeto” button in the email and set your password.

Connect Marketo API

Create a dedicated API User

In order to connect Jeto to your Marketo instance, you will need to create a dedicated API Only user and a dedicated LaunchPoint Service. You can do this by accessing the “Users & Roles” menu in the Admin Panel in Marketo (note: this requires Admin access) and following these instructions. In order for Jeto to function properly, your API user will need a role that has the following API permissions:

  • Activate Campaign

  • Deactivate Campaign

  • Execute Campaign

  • Read/Write Campaigns

  • Read/Write Assets

Create a LaunchPoint Service for Jeto

Once your API only user is created, you’ll need to set up a LaunchPoint service. You can follow these steps and these parameters:

  • Display Name: Jeto (optional - can be any name you want)

  • Service: Custom

  • Description: Jeto API Service - (optional - can be any description you want)

  • API User Only: select your newly-created userOnce your new Service is created

  • Click “View Details” on the Service line and note the following information: Client ID,  Client Secret

  • From the “Web Services” menu in the Admin panel, note the REST API Endpoint

For additional help, please visit the official Marketo documentation on Creating Custom LaunchPoint Service.

Linking Jeto to Marketo

In the top right-hand corner of the Jeto instance, click on the cog wheel and a form will open asking for the Endpoint, Client ID, andClient Secret. Fill out the form with the previously noted information and click “Save.”

Jeto will start syncing to Marketo. Once completed, the sync status will be indicated on the Integration panel as well as on the top navigation bar as shown below.  

You're now ready to start using Jeto.
If any error occurs during the sync, please refer to the table below for indicators, messages, and actions.

If at any point you notice that folders or programs are missing: 

  • review the Jeto API User roles and permissions. It’s possible the user doesn’t have access to all workspaces; 

  • to bring in newly-created programs and folders, simply refresh the Marketo sync using the refresh button;

Accessing Jeto

Logging into Jeto

Once an Admin has invited you to join Jeto, you will receive an email prompting you to Join Jeto. Click the button to accept, and a page asking you to set your password will open in your browser. Once you’ve set your password, you will have successfully logged into Jeto!

From here, you will be able to create Launchers for your collaborators and request campaigns.

Inviting End Users

As a Jeto Admin, you can invite as many users as needed. To do so, log into the Jeto Application and from the top left corner, open the menu and select “Users & Groups”. This will bring you to the Users page where you can click the  green “+” sign. Fill out the form with the necessary information and the user will receive an invitation via email. 

Note: In order to add a user to a group, you must first create the Group (see below).

Roles & Permissions

When creating a user, you will need to assign a role. You can select between one of the following 5 roles, which will give users the following permissions:

Creating Groups

In order to simplify sharing Launchers (see Editing and sharing a Launcher), you can create a Group of users. Once created, you’ll be able to share Launchers with a Group, therefore all the users in the group, instead of manually selecting each user. To do so, toggle to the Groups tab from the Users & Groups menu. Click on the ‘+’ sign, name your group and click “Create”. By clicking “Edit” on an existing group, you can view the members of the group as well as remove users if necessary. 

Jeto Launchers

Creating a Launcher

As an Admin, you can create a library of templates your end users will be able to select from to create their campaigns. These will guide the users to fill out the proper fields based on your Marketo program template. Once logged into the Jeto Application, you will land on the Launcher Page. To create a new Launcher, click the green “+” located at the bottom right of your screen. A window will prompt you to select the type of Launcher you want to create. Once you’ve clicked on the icon of your choice, a second screen will prompt you to fill out a form with the necessary information. The following types of Launchers are available:

  • Event

  • Email

  • Webinar

  • SMS

The required information for any Launcher is:

  • The Marketo Program Template the Launcher will use to clone

  • The destination folder in Marketo 

  • A name for your Launcher

  • A description of your Launcher (optional)

Note: If you incorrectly selected the wrong type of Launcher, you can use the grey arrow located in the top left corner of the window to return to the previous menu.

Note: If you cannot find the Marketo Program you wish to link the Launcher to, click “sync data to bring in new choices”, which is the very last option in the dropdown (or the only option if you are the very first Admin to log in). If, after the sync, you still cannot find your program, validate that the Jeto API user has access to the workspace where the program is located. 

Once the information entered, a form will open with standard fields. This is the form the end user will be required to fill out in order to create their campaign. Out of the box form fields will differ based on the type of Launcher you select. 

Each field can be modified by clicking on it. A panel will open on the right hand side, allowing you to modify the following:

  • The Marketo token (except for Campaign Name)

  • The label text

  • The label position

  • Whether or not the field is required

And under the Advanced menu, you can:

  • Add a placeholder text 

  • Add a help text 

  • Set a maximum number of characters

  • Add a default value (to be used for non-mandatory fields that are left blank)*

  • Set a prefill value (and block updates to this field if desired)

  • Hide/unhide the field

  • Strip http(s):// (for URLs if you want to track clicks in email link performance reports)**

  • Set an input mask 

You can remove any out of the box unwanted field by clicking the trash can icon on the top right corner, next to “Field properties”. 

* Default values in Marketo will not apply. They must be entered in Jeto directly. 

** In order to track properly, http:// or https:// must be hard coded in the email outside of the token

Note: Campaign name is the only system field that cannot be removed or updated for the token value. It must also always be the first field at the top of each form. 

Additional fields can also be added to the form. By clicking on the arrow on the left of “Field properties”, a list of field types, common contact fields and form layout objects will appear. Simply drag and drop the field or layout object of your choice in the proper location on the form (see this article for Marketo Token type mapping). Once dropped, click on the field to set the Marketo token and other values. 

After all your fields have been updated and added, click “Save” at the bottom of the form. You can create as many different versions of a Launcher as you need. For example, you could have a Webinar Launcher with a Speaker, requiring specific fields for the information of the speaker, but also a Webinar Launcher without a Speaker. This could be set up as 2 separate Launchers with different form fields, leveraging the Webinar Launcher type. 

Editing, sharing, cloning or deleting a Launcher

Once you’ve created a Launcher, you can share it with a group - so that every user in the group has access to use this Launcher - or you can share it with a specific user. In order to do so, from your Launcher’s menu, click the three black dots on the Launcher tile. Select “Share” and select the group and/or users you want to share it with. Only those with whom you’ve shared the Launcher will be able to see it, even if they are Admins. 

From this menu, you can also edit your Launcher, clone it or delete it. By selecting “edit”, the Launcher form will appear. Click the green pen icon at the bottom of the form and you will be able to make any necessary changes. Click “Clone” to create an identical Launcher. This will be useful when creating variations of the same Launcher. Don’t forget to update the Launcher’s settings (see below) on your newly cloned Launcher. Lastly, you can click “Delete” to permanently remove the Launcher.

Note: Deleting a Launcher does not delete any campaign in Jeto or Marketo that leveraged this Launcher.

Updating Launcher Settings

Once a Launcher is created, you can edit the fields but also the settings of the Launcher. From the Launcher form that is opened when clicking on “edit” from the Launcher tile, you can click on “Launcher Settings” in the top right corner of the screen. A form will open with 3 sub-menus:

  • Name & Description

  • Marketo Settings

  • Campaign Launch

Name & Description

In this section, you can change the Launcher’s name and description, which are visible to users with whom the Launcher is shared, on the Launcher tiles.

Marketo Settings

In this section, you can change the Marketo program that is to be cloned when the Launcher is selected for a campaign request. You can also change the destination folder of the cloned campaign as well as the destination folder for images and files in your design studio. Once the launcher is created, you can go back into Marketo Settings and assign destination folders dynamically using these instructions.

Note: If you don’t see your Marketo program in the drop down, you will need to initiate a sync between Jeto and Marketo. You can do so by clicking the green check mark located at the very top, in the black navigation bar. The sync will take a few minutes and programs created between the last sync and now will become available. 

Approval Team

If you choose to do so, you can activate the Campaign Approval for a launcher. Follow these steps to activate the Approval feature:

  1. Use the toggle switch to turn On Campaign Approval 

  2. Add users and/or groups to your Approval Team 

  3. A combination of 2 roles can be assigned to any User on each Launcher where the "Creator" role can be selected along with a 2nd role of the Viewer or Editor, or Approver on the same Launcher.

Note that Administrators cannot be downgraded to another role. 

The users added to the Approval Team will be notified by email that a campaign is ready to be reviewed. The campaign will have the status of “In Approval” until one of the Approval Team members clicks “Approve Campaign” in Jeto. Clicking “Request Change(s)” will notify the Collaborator that updates are needed. Comments should be leveraged to indicate what the change requests are. 

Note: This feature is optional and at the Launcher level. You can activate it for some launchers, but not others. 

Note: Admins will be added to the Approval team by default. You can remove them by clicking on the ‘x’ next to their name. 

Campaign Launch

Smart Campaigns

In this section, you can auto-schedule some of your Marketo Smart Campaigns to be automatically activated when a user requests a campaign. You can select which campaign should be auto-activated and which should remain in the care of a Marketo Admin for scheduling. To auto-schedule a campaign, click the green “+” sign at the bottom right of the screen. This will pull the list of all the campaigns associated with the Marketo Program the Launcher is linked to. Select the smart campaign to auto-schedule and set the parameters for activation:

  • Select a value for schedule date. You can select “Immediately” or use any of the Date type field from your Launcher form

  • Select a value for schedule time. You can select “Immediately” or use any of the Time type field from your Launcher form

  • In the “offset” field, add a positive (after) or a negative (before) number and select the time value (hour(s), day(s), week(s) or month(s))

Note: In order for values other than “Immediately” to appear as options for date and time, you must have Date type fields in your form. 

For example, the following setting would activate the campaign 2 weeks before the event start time (this would typically be used for invitations):

Event Date → Start Time → -2 → Week(s)

While the following would activate the campaign 3 days after the end time (typically used for post event follow up or thank you email):

Event Date → Event End Time → +3 → Day(s)

Trigger Campaigns

From this menu, you can also activate or deactivate any trigger campaign associated with your Marketo program. Just as smart campaigns, click on the green ‘+’ and select the trigger campaign. The same fields will need to be populated but unlike smart campaigns, you can select “Activate” or “Deactivate” from the drop down above the fields. 

Note: Jeto servers are in UTC timezone. You will need to offset the hour based on your Marketo’s timezone. 

Notifications and Approval

As a Jeto administrator, you will receive notifications of campaign creation and campaign updates for any launcher you created, or that has been shared with you. These notifications will come via email and will contain all of the information from the campaign that was created or updated. In these emails, you will find 2 buttons for quick access to the Jeto campaign or the Marketo program.

By clicking Access Campaign, you will be redirected to the Jeto campaign where you can view the form, make updates and/or add comments (see Collaborating and Commenting). 

By clicking Access Program, you will be redirected to the Marketo program where you can validate or update any necessary values and schedule the campaigns if Jeto is not set to do  it automatically. 

Collaborating and Commenting

Through Jeto, you’ll be able to collaborate with various collaborators and team members via comments. Once Submitted, users with the proper access will be able to go in and review campaigns and their assets. From the Comments menu, you can see notes from other users about different sections of the campaign. By clicking on Preview, you will be able to see exactly which section these comments apply to. Each comment can be threaded with multiple replies, to ensure conversations are clear and distinct. Once the comment in question has been addressed and the changes were made, it can be resolved. Once all comments are resolved, the campaign will be ready for final approval and activation in Marketo. 

 Note: You can see previously resolved comments by clicking the Show Resolved box.

To add comments, navigate to the Preview panel. Click on the section of the asset you want to comment on. A box will open on the right hand side panel where you will be able to write your comment. Once done, click Create. You can add as many comments as necessary. By using the @ symbol, you can call out another Jeto user. They will be notified via email that a comment is waiting for their review. 


Jeto Help

At any time, should you have any questions or need assistance, you can click on the chat icon located at the bottom right in Jeto. From this menu, you can start a live chat with one of our support agents (available Monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm EST) or if we are not available for live chat, the system will send an email. You can also search our repository of articles and read newly published ones by visiting our support website. 

Appendix 1 - Jeto/Marketo workflow



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