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Authentication & Single Sign On (SSO)
Clone Campaign
Jeto-Marketo Sync
Change Campaign Owner
Custom Branding
Can I use emojis in Jeto?
A/B testing with Jeto
Jeto Use Cases
Launcher Tags
Optimize your Marketo programs for Jeto image uploads
Cloning a Launcher
Landing Page Layout (Delete Modules)
Add Leads/Contacts to your campaign from Salesforce
Edit Email Layout (Delete Modules)
Track Email Link Activity
Commenting and Collaboration
Flexible Campaigns and Programs Naming Convention
Roles and Permissions
UTM Parameters
Jeto Data and Security
Campaign Approval
Standard Fields, Input Masks, Restrictions and Validations
Campaign Launch
Preset Values
Mapping of Jeto fields to Marketo Program Tokens
Assets Preview & Email Sample
Send Email Sample
Upload Images and Files
Audience Targeting
Dynamic Destination Launchers
Archive Campaign(s)